Saturday, March 15, 2014

When I let go, I let GO!

Don't come back and look for me again. Who do you think you are? A passenger and I am the bus? You can come in and enjoy the ride then leave just like that? I'm not a bus, I am ME! So you better get a life!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

An Owl

Tell me about having less sleeps than food. I can stand if I have less food intake rather than sleeping hours. I have to admit the fact that my dark circles below my eyes are worsen day by day. I feel like I'm an owl, except owl does not have to care much about dark circles.

Things, which are not really things, literally, are just composed like a huge bag of rocks, burdening and becoming troublemakers to my brain. Am I getting too old to be able to withstand the hours after midnight? I guess so and fyi, this is like the 20th-time I yawned!

Alright, just random post to at least notify that I am still be able to write on this blog. I'm alive people, live our lives!!! Bhhhuuuuwahahaha...So...yeah.
