Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Way, Truth and Life.

People fear of death due to thousands and millions of reasons that placed rigidly in their hearts. I believe one of the reasons is that they fear they might not have the times to fulfill the joy and bliss with their loved ones. 

We often heard people saying "Everyone will die." To comfort the hearts of human beings, fictional facts and beliefs surfaced. Vampires; never die unless they are exposed to sunlight ( most producers nowadays try to alter this and they DID! Guess they don't want to let the main actor/actress die too early ). Flowers that give eternal lives; if these flowers even existed, I should hear it on news, international news.

Fear is a man's best buddy. You can't never run away from fear. The only fear I have in life is the fear to disobey the Lord. God creates lives and deaths. I didn't spend my holidays with doing useless things and don't ever blame pondering over the circle of life cause it's actually a THINKING PROCESS. This was exactly the thing I did during holidays. I wondered why people fear of getting old, why they are scared to die. "People die anyway."

You may have felt annoyed with your grandma asking you the same question over and over again, you may have felt tired of your mom and dad nagging you for your wrongdoings and you may have felt that life would be better without them. Be careful towards what you wish for. They'll surely will leave you one day. You may be able to predict what will happen afterwards but you can't predict WHEN.

I love God the most and my family too. Friends may come and go, best friends can be strangers the next day, you'll never know. Family? No matter how much efforts you put on to get rid of them from your mind, they are still your FAMILY. Do spend most of times with your family. May it be a perfect family, may it be a broken family, it is still a FAMILY. Those hardships you've gone through and will go through are the best evaluations God given to you. I've never felt the doubts in my faith. I live in Lord Jesus Christ and die in HIM.

Stop worrying about death cause it will only cause you nothing but missing all the goods times and moments in life.


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