Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fever's Gone.

Waiting for three hours to tick away, sitting for three hours and writing non-stop for three hours may be something horrendous for students who are taking examination. I've felt it and some says that's EXAM FEVER!

Since the last couple of weeks, I'd been struggled and sometimes I practised the proverb "burning the midnight oil". (though it seems not that effective as exam is around the corner). Torture? Definitely YES!

Well, a few hours ago, or should I say, yesterday, I just finished my final examination for this year. How relieved I was couldn't be described by words. As I penned down my last words on the paper and tied them together, I felt half of the burden inside my soul had disappeared.

The 'sickness' of sitting for examination is finally blown away with the last paper has been completed. My exam's fever is gone! To TESLIANS SEM 3 July Intake 2009's students!!!: Home is waiting. 
Heart is beating! 
Hope is mounting. 
What'cha waiting for?? 
Let's have a trip HOME!

XOXO. Love!

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